Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Commitment

Tribal Honu (turtle) This is my newest tattoo! It is placed on the center of my upper back and is 3 weeks old today! I just love it and it has all of the elements that I required: honu, surf and hawaiian flowers. The flower is a Plumeria, the hawaiian wedding flower. Matt and I both decided after our hawaiian honeymoon that we would have honu tattooed on our bodies. While snokeling off the Big Island of Hawaii we had such an intimate encounter with these endangered creatures that they left a very strong impression on us. And so here we are. A pic of Matt's will follow soon. I must say that this was the most painful of all my tattoos as it was right on my spine and full of nerve endings. I don't remember the others been quite so painful but maybe I am just getting old and wimpy!! Hope you enjoy it! It has given me a new sense of confidence but I always did like to show things off a bit! Posted by Picasa


Matt V - Mvern78 said...

I love this tattoo... When are you gonna post mine?


Anonymous said...

New commitment is the tattoo!!! I am drunk so excuse my error. Anyway, love the house. I think that I need to up load some of my fine house built in 1902. LOL. It is cute. I think that there is a need of visitation to both sides of the northern hemisphere. Lol.